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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Team Jordan

Earlier this week, I got my 2nd Team Packet in my email. For all my friends who are still awaiting your team packets-- they are like shining gems in  your in inbox. Seriously. They make my day.. all two of them.. Ha- I received my first team packet at the Airport in.. Detroit on my way back from MTW. I read it on my phone and was frustrated since I couldn't open any of the attachments. But- seriously- those Team Packets are so cool. You will love them.

Anyways- as I was reading the 2nd TP, I decided to use the "reply to all" button and I messaged everyone on the team- just a simple hello, intro, can't wait to meet you, etc. type of deal. Weirdly enough, I had several people reply-- and guess where they are from?? UTAH? Yeah. I had 2 people reply to me that said they live in Sandy and BOUNTIFUL of all places! SO Crazyyyy. What a small world.. AND..

Casey got surgery on her ears earlier this week (of course she would). She texted me that night in sheer utter excitement: I have news! About your Jordan mission! it was really funny- anyways, she called me and let me know that her anesthesiologist was talking to her and it came up that he read my email and asked her if she knew who I was. Uhhh-- yeahhh we've been best friends since 3rd grade! Small world. So that's 3 people I know so far on my mish team from the 801. Also, someone else just commented on here and let me know that her husband was from Utah and she went to BYU. Seriously. It's gonna be a utah party. I can't wait to become family with these people. Yay! :D

In other news, Classy Chassis called me today and let me know that they have a big case of stuff for me!! Nail Polish, hair accessories, and jewelry for all the beautiful girls in Jordan. I'm so excited to pick it up tomorrow!!

Suzanne Unger- the new head of Student Programs for Operation Smile, wrote some really nice things about me on OSCentral (The Facebook for Operation Smile that i LOVE). While I am so honored she wrote those things about me, I don't feel like anything of what I'm doing is above and beyond- Dr. Magee- the FOUNDER of OS told us that they have invested in us-in ME- students- to be the future of this cause. They have provided me with the OPPORTUNITY to go on a mission, to have something that I love, to help others in the process of changing my own life- This isn't about me. How many other people do you know that will get to go to Jordan as a Junior in high school from quaint little Bountiful? To be given the chance itself to go to things such as ISLC, MTW, a MISSION for crying out loud- I feel like as students, we are in the biggest debt to this cause and for that, I just try and do everything that I can for it because I know it will never be enough. (for me at least). I know I'm not the only one who feels this way either. So thank you, Suzanne and Operation Smile- for everything you have done for me and us.

I was feeling deathly ill today and took a nap longer than my normal sleep I get at night and now I can't sleep. Epic fail. which is why I'm blogging.

12 days before the best thing of my life happens.

Shukran as always

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