Fun blog! Looks like you have had some amazing experiences in your young life. Operation Smile is amazing. FYI, Johnny Maxwell lived across the street from us. Love that kid!!
Welcome to my blog about my Operation Smile Medical Mission experience to Amman, Jordan. I went on my mission from February 24-March 6. recently returned from the Winter Mission Training Workshop in Portsmouth, Virgina, where I was chosen among 38 other students in the country to attend the bi-annual training. At the end MTW, I was the very first one called up to receive a mission assignment. I got the first slot!! Only 4.5 weeks after the training, I would find myself in Amman, Jordan!! It changed my life in every aspect and I hope that this blog can help you to feel what my experience was like. I also hope this blog will serve as an aid to those who are currently preparing to leave on their missions, or simply interested in Operation Smile. Operation Smile has helped me realize that I want and need to be the change I wish to see in the world. Thank you for all your support that has gotten me to this point. I am only 17 years old- and look at the things that I have been able to do and achieve through OS. It has given my life purpose and the most immense happiness I could ask for. For having that at such a young age, I am so blessed. It took me only 2 years from my initial involvement to go on a mission. BE THE CHANGE!
Inflatable balls (Specifically globes/soccer balls are a hit)
Nail polish**
Hair accessories (barrettes, headbands, etc)
Coloring books
Small stuffed animals (minimal)
Latex gloves
Hot wheels type cars
Small play jewelry
Crowns (Burger King kind are great)
Little footballs, basketballs
ANYTHING that lights up
Piggy banks
Decorations for the hospital
Yarn to make friendship bracelets )best for surgery days and older patients)
Basically anything that can be found in the dollar store
**Check with your Program Coordinator to see if asterisked items are appropriate for your specific site. I.E: In Jordan, woman are not to pray with nail polish, so it was not at all used)
Operation Smile
Operation Smile has become a significant part of my life since 2008. I've decided to get involved with this incredible cause because it helps me to realize the things in life that truly make me happy. When you see that one little thing you do can turn into changing someone's life forever, that is where is stops being just a club i'm in- to being a lifestyle.
If you are unfamiliar with OS, we are a non-profit, internationally recognized children's charity that mobilizes a world of generous hearts to heal children's smiles and transform lives across the globe. We offer surgery free of charge for cleft lip and palates through volunteer International Medical Missions in developing countries. OS was founded in 1982 by Dr. William Magee and his wife- Kathy. Since the first medical mission in the Philippines, over 130,000 people have been given the chance at living a normal life and smiling proudly. If you'd like more information, I encourage you to visit OperationSmile.Org or OSCentral.Org if you are a student.
When i'm doing things for Op:), I'm not doing it to put on a college application or for recognition. I'm doing it because it has simply become my passion. OS has created an outlet for me to serve, and be served. The things I have learned through the experiences I've had, the people I've met, and the stories I've heard inspire me daily. OS reminds me every single day that I am a Driven individual. It reminds me to make someone else smile, as well as share my own.
In 40-45 min and with $240, You-- I can change a life. I can inspire waves of change and I will be the change I wish to see in the world. When I think that Someone should do something, OS has shown me that I can, should, and need to Be that Someone.
I'm so thankful for the opportunity that I've had to have Operation Smile become such a huge part of my life. It has changed me for the better and quite simply changed my life. I aspire to keep it a part of my life for as long as I shall live. I ask you to please support me while I do my best to reach my goals I've set through it.
Young people who are more concerned about serving others than serving themselves!
Fun blog! Looks like you have had some amazing experiences in your young life. Operation Smile is amazing. FYI, Johnny Maxwell lived across the street from us. Love that kid!!