My New Blog

My New Blog
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Saturday, November 20, 2010

ISCE (the former ISLC)

In case you haven't heard, we are officially going to BEIJING, CHINA for ISCE next August!

"Wait..." you're wondering.. "Did she just say isCE??" 


A change that has been made this year to our yearly conference is the name! Since we have never been in China, we wanted to better reflect the Chinese culture within out conference and therefore, ISLC will be called ISCE this year! ISCE stands for "International Student Cultural Exchange". As StudPro Staff and ELC, we have lovingly embraced it with a nickname-- "ICE". So get pumped and be sure to tell everyone about this change! 

If you have not done so already, please visit the ISCE WEBSITE for more information and blog posts that will be updated regularly. As more information becomes available, it will be put on this website. If you're remotely interested about receiving information or hesitant about attending, take thisshort survey to gain a better understanding and receive some more information! 

Early registration (Early December - Jan. 31)

Who: All High School and University age students, as well as adult sponsors-- no previous involvement with OpSmile Required! 
When: August 1-7, 2011
Where: Beijing, China-- Beijing Normal University and Marriott
  • All participants except those traveling from Asia: $1,300 (includes airfare, hotel, offsite activities like the Great Wall, Tienanmen Square and the Forbidden City!, food, the conference fee and more!)
  • Participants traveling from Asia: $800
  • Participants from China: $500 (excludes airfare)

Get PUMPED for an incredible conference. So much has been done already to plan a successful experience for all involved! 
Can't wait to see you there on MY team;)

NOW is the Time.

Visit me HERE to read my past experiences with ISCE!!

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